Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mimi and Gaga Patrick

As we reported, Ryan's parents, John and Patty, flew out from Syracuse for a visit. They were the first out-of-town guests that we've hosted since Arlo was born, and it was great to introduce them to their first grandchild and spend time with them. Ryan and I were spoiled with meals, babysitting, and general help with the baby. In fact, John and Patty took Arlo for a night so Ryan and I could have a fun night out with friends.

During their visit, we talked with John and Patty about what they want to be called. "Grandma" and "grandpa" seem a little too traditional. After conferring with other family members, Patty remembered calling her grandmother "Mimi" and grandfather "Gaga." While we aren't sure if those nicknames are going to stick, we're using them for now. We welcome any and all suggestions for grandparent names.

Patty took some great photos of the week and below are some highlights.

Ryan consoling Arlo after a traumatic diaper change.

Soma and "Gaga" preparing for a walk at Green Lake.

One happy "Mimi."

Arlo's first restaurant experience at Wild Mountain Cafe.

Mimi and Gaga Patrick enjoying little Arlo.

Thanks to John and Patty for making the long trip out west and for taking such good care of our entire family. We love you guys!

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