Monday, September 13, 2010

First Week Down

The first week with a new baby is a roller coaster. Nights are no longer for sleeping. Breastfeeding can be incredibly challenging and even painful. The new little bundle of joy can't ask for what he wants so you have to make a lot of decisions based on very little information. Hormones are going crazy and enhance the wide range of emotions you feel during the first week.

Of course, all of the challenges are worth it when you look at your adorable baby. I find this to be especially true when Arlo is sleeping or when he's awake and totally content. Here are some pictures of moments when all the hard work felt worthwhile.

I call this, "Where am I and who the hell are you?"

Finally! A happy and relaxed awake baby.

Super cute pajamas from cousin Hannah and an early morning photo after a nursing session.

I think I saw this pose on an ultrasound.

So far, the second week feels a little easier than the first week. Arlo and Ryan have started watching soccer games together, and I introduced Arlo to football and US Open tennis. We're hoping to go on Arlo's first hike early in the week to take advantage of a last gasp of summer. Nights are still a problem as Arlo doesn't like to go to bed until 3 a.m., but we purchased a swing that, at least so far, helps him sleep earlier in the night. Something tells me Arlo is going to sleep in the swing until he surpasses the size/weight limit, which may be sooner than we think because he is going through his first growth spurt.

Through all the chaos, we've had a lot of love and support that we appreciate tremendously. Friends have dropped off amazing meals that are keeping us standing upright. Thanks to everyone for the food, support, baby supplies (onesies, blankets, PJs, etc.), and Soma care. We are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives!

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