Monday, August 13, 2007

Waving Goodbye to Single Life

This weekend both Ryan and I had bachelor/bachelorette parties for friends about to jump into married life. Both parties were the first time Ryan and I attended bachelor parties as a married couple, which for me was a little weird. Why? Bachelor parties make a point of differentiating the single from the married and your mate-status is really shoved in your face. Single people tell the soon-to-be-married person that "there's still time" (as in to get out of the marriage) while married people feel like they should share the wisdom of experience with the bride or groom. Switching to the married side of a bachelor party wasn't a bad thing, just different from a year ago when I was a single gal (or at least not yet married).

Enough social observation. On Friday night, Ryan flew to Las Vegas, a.k.a. "Sin City", for a weekend of debauchery with the guys to send Mike Hilldoerfer, a.k.a. "Doer", into husbandhood. Ryan plans on sharing his experiences as soon as he gets pictures.

While the "Doer Disciples" went on what was surely a spiritual quest in Sin City, I attended a bachelorette party here in Seattle for my childhood friend, Elizabeth. Liz's sisters, Scotta and Julie, organized the event and did a great job. For Liz's party, we enjoyed boat cruise around Lake Union and Lake Washington on a very fancy boat. Special thanks to Scotta and Julie for organizing the event, and to Joe, the captain of yacht.
The Guest of Honor

Lauren, Scotta, and Monica Enjoying Stories About Liz's Past

Julie, Dina, Brian, and Peggy Soaking Up the Sun

Cooling Off During a Hot Party

Brian and Liz Wearing Shades to Protect Themselves from the Sunset.
Residents of our city aren't used to the sun and even a the soft rays of a sunset can damage our retinas.

Of course we had some adult entertainment on the boat, as is tradition. Although I have pictures of the "tiny dancer", I'm not going to post them. Why? I'm one of those paranoid people that don't want any suggestive or crazy pictures of me online only to be discoverable by potential employers or other folks by using Google or some other search site. Call me a prude, or call me paranoid, but as an unemployed former law student, I need all the help gaining respect that I can get...

Anyhoo, I had a great time getting to know some new people and catching up with folks that I haven't seen in a long time. Thanks for the good times and I look forward to the wedding in two weeks!

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to read and see pictures from Ryan's weekend!

1 comment:

jgwitz said...

I don't know what you're talking about, all we did was play poker all weekend. By the way, I think there was some sort of electrical disturbance which erased all photos from that weekend. Weird.