Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Green Thumb Victory!!

Darcy: The old adage "simple pleasures for simple minds" is particularly appropriate for me these days. Preparing for the bar exam has left my brain mushy and completely preoccupied with rules for subjects like commercial paper, secured transactions, tort law, etc. In other words, my brain is pretty simple and can't take a lot of stimulation. With my brain simplified, I'm appreciating little things like my container garden (see our entry flower pots to the left--the green plant in the front is a geranium plant that is between blooms).

Our friend, Amy, is an amazing gardener. In fact, we enjoyed the opening of evening primrose flowers in Amy's garden on the 4th of July over the traditional firework display. I know, I know--when you start watching flowers for minutes at a time, you really know you are getting old. If you have no idea what an evening primrose is, it's a flower that blossoms at sunset and the blooms only last one day. When the flowers open, they spring open and the process takes about 20 seconds from start to finish.
Evening Primrose

Anyway, like I said, we have several containers with herbs, annuals, and even two tomato plants. The weather in Seattle is amazing right now with clear skies everyday and a nice temperature (75-80) most days. This weekend, we noticed that our little Sweet 100 tomato plant started to produce ripe tomatoes (see photo to the right). We also have a Big Beef tomato plant that is loaded with green tomatoes. Our herbs include thyme, golden oregano, a bay leaf shrub, sage, rosemary, and basil. The basil plants are a little temperamental and wilt if they aren't watered every other day, but the warm weather has done the basil some good.

The reason I felt compelled to blog about our gardening experience is because I've never been a gardener. When I was a teenager, I killed a cactus and not because I watered it too much. I really like watching things that I planted grow and flourish. Yep, we are crazy vegetarian hippies...

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