Monday, April 5, 2010

Darcy's Quirky Pregnancy Observation #491

Tonight, I had my first experience where someone who hasn't seen me in a while immediately recognized that I was pregnant just by looking at me. I know this sounds like a little thing, but I was so excited. Not because pregnancy is some wonderful thing that I want to share with the world, but because I was relieved that someone viewed me as pregnant before thinking I was fat.

I'm not thrilled about having an obviously pregnant belly for all to see. I would much rather blend into the crowd and have to call in sick one day when I'm in labor. Call me crazy, but I would prefer to be one of those women on the TLC show "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" who have no belly or symptoms of any kind and end up having babies in odd circumstances, usually in the toilet. To be clear, I would want to know the entire time that I was pregnant, but I just wouldn't want it to show or attract attention. On the other hand, I think it would be even worse to be one of those pregnant women who look like they've binged on pizza and Ho Hos for 9 months instead of gestating a little human. So, I guess being obviously pregnant is an acceptable middle ground.

Am I a bad person? Maybe. Will I be a bad mother given my twisted mindset? Probably. But I take the small victories when I find them.

Oh, and I'll take a picture of the belly soon, but it's late and I'm already in sweatpants and lying in bed. For now, your imagination will have to suffice.


P.S. Duke can suck it.

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