Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Every year, I look forward to New Year's Eve but end up feeling a little disappointed after the clock strikes midnight. I don't know why I expect something more dramatic from the holiday. Maybe I should blame the movie "When Harry Met Sally". I love that movie and New Year's Eve parties play a major role in the film. Or maybe I get my hopes up because I love getting rid of clutter and a holiday centered on new beginnings feeds my "let it go" personality.

Anyway, we had every intention to stay home and watch the celebration on television. Several friends were hosting parties, but we planned on lounging around in our pajamas with the dog. At the last minute, we decided to pop in on a party that had a view of the Space Needle. We accomplished three things: 1. caught up with some friends that we hadn't seen for months, 2. enjoyed the annual Seattle firework display, and 3. learned that Ryan knows nothing about pop culture but Darcy might as well have a PhD on the subject.

Host, Eric, Demonstrating a Noisemaker.
Those things never seem to work properly.

The other host, Erin, who is so active, no camera can capture her.

This is what the Space Needle looks like on New Year's Eve.

Thank you, Erin and Eric, for hosting a really fun party!

We hope everyone has an amazing year with lots of happiness, good health, and prosperity!

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