Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa came early for Ryan and Darcy

We hate our camera. For years, we've been complaining -- well, I've been complaining -- about our point-and-shoot digital camera. The battery compartment door doesn't close all the way, any low light photo comes out blurry, it's slow, blah, blah, blah.

Now that we have a baby, it's time we thought about our blogging public and had a camera that allows the pictures on our blog to match the high quality of the commentary.

Ryan and I must have been pretty nice this year because Santa came early and delivered a swanky new camera. Below are some of our test shots, but we hope to learn how to use this fine piece of equipment to take photos that will make you want to visit our blog each and every day.

Ryan and Arlo say "cheese."

Bath time!
We are practicing back floats and dripping water down Arlo's face in order to prepare for the next round of swimming lessons, which start in January.

Time for your close up, Arlo!

Puppy Dog Eyes

Another picture of A-to-the-lo.

Ryan reads Arlo his bedtime story.
Tonight, we chose The Night Before Christmas. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson!

Oh, the camera takes videos too, so we will post a video in the next day or two.

Now I'm off to bed to get a good night's rest before my first day back at work tomorrow!

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