Saturday, October 24, 2009

Leaf Peepers

Recently, Ryan and I went to the east coast for a little family bonding, R&R, and leaf peeping. For those of you who have no idea what leaf peeping is, it's an activity where city folk head to forested areas (also known as "the sticks") to enjoy a little bit of nature and a lot of maple flavored products. Lucky for us, we have family in Vermont, which saves us from qualifying as "yuppie leaf peepers" because we don't have to stay in a fancy bed and breakfast with couples like Bert and Ethel from Long Island.

Here are some pictures of our leaf peeping adventure.

Walking on an old carriage road covered in leaves.

Poor Alice!

Something about the beautiful view, colorful foliage, fresh snow, and work boots makes Ryan think about becoming a farmer. Then he realized that farmers don't have time to code.

The fiery trees seem to work together to create beautiful patterns.
It's almost as if the trees are saying "After you. No, after you."

Hangin' with Ava, Hannah, and baby Xander at our deluxe accommodations. Incidentally, their house used to be a fancy bed and breakfast. Yet more evidence that we can't avoid being yuppie leaf peepers.

We also attended a family wedding in Syracuse, but we need to get some pictures from Ryan's mom before we post about that part of our itinerary.

Thanks to Ryan's family for putting up with us for a full week! We had a great time and can't wait to see you again soon!

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