Monday, July 25, 2011

July Buffet

At the risk of executing a random post with pieces that don't fit together, I'm taking a drafting liberty and sharing photos and videos from the last couple of weeks in our house.

Another sunny day, another hike in paradise. Last weekend it was along the North Fork Nooksack River, a beautiful river that I'm working hard with a coalition of local folks to protect under Wild and Scenic designation (think a National Park but for a river). The Nooksack is a fantastic whitewater boating river, and it's the gateway to North Cascades National Park and the Mount Baker Wilderness.

Glacier Creek and Mount Baker

The trail along the river.

Ryan and Arlo taking in the river.

The North Fork Nooksack in the beautiful North Cascades.

Arlo fell asleep upright. Poor little guy.

Hours earlier, this water was snow on Mount Baker.

Now for something completely different.

Arlo is enjoying feeding himself, discovering new things, and learning to play soccer (yes, you read correctly). Our favorite thing, like many parents, is when he laughs himself silly. See the videos below for some unbelievably cute giggle episodes from July. Also, Ryan was inspired by the Women's World Cup and started Arlo's training regimen.

"Food on the face? What food on the face?"


Tara said...

super cute videos! we love Arlo's adorable. looks like you are enjoying this stage with him. just wait...he'll be walking in no time, then it's a whole new ball game! love, tara, mark, henry and jake

Amy WK said...

Love the bath giggles! He is such a happy little guy...and impressive soccer moves so far too. We don't see enough of you guys!