Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tummy Time!

Arlo gets a little tummy time everyday to help increase his neck strength and head control. We started tummy time soon after he was born, but he hated it because it meant that his head was buried in a bed, blanket, or chest. In fact, he would roll over from his belly to his back -- a trick usually performed by babies that are a couple of months old.

To help Arlo, we started doing tummy time on a Boppy pillow, which helped but Arlo seems to like tummy time on Ryan's chest best. Thanks to my obsession with taking videos, I was able to capture one of the best tummy time episodes yet.

After taking a quick break to grab a burp cloth, I recorded the rest of the tummy time session.

Arlo is developing rapidly. Every now and then I look at him a see a little boy instead of a baby. For example, I put Arlo in his new BOB stroller last week (see picture below), and for some reason, I think his face resembles a little boy more than a 5 week old baby. Yikes!

Just so you don't think we're bad parents, we have a car seat adapter that we use with the stroller since Arlo can barely hold his head up and clearly doesn't fit in the straps.

Ryan and I are savoring every fast flying minute with Arlo before he discovers that we're not as cool as he thinks we are right now.

1 comment:

AmyK said...

Ryan is such a sweet adorable papa! Love these videos!