Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tribute to Brett Favre

I've spent the last few days at a fisheries conference, so I haven't had a chance to post about the devastating retirement of the great Brett Favre. Now that the media has had a few days to take full advantage of Brett's retirement, I've noticed something upsetting. The press is acting like Brett's dead. The official Packers team homepage has a number of pictures of Brett in action with the years of his career, which looks a lot a tribute to a deceased celebrity. I'm as big a football fan as the person, but geez...

It's hard to see Brett go after a crappy ending to an otherwise successful season. My main disappointment is selfish because the Packers were scheduled to play the Seahawks in Seattle, and I wanted to buy tickets. I'll probably still buy tickets, but it just won't be the same.

Good Luck, Brett!
Thanks For Everything!

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