Monday, February 4, 2008

DC and Me

I don't think I've talked much about my new job with American Rivers , a national environmental organization that works to protect rivers in various ways. I enjoy the challenge of learning the real world of water conservation in the west. If you've read Cadillac Desert or watched the movie Chinatown, you know how complicated and politically sensitive water issues are in the west. We all know that water is a finite resource and that it is a necessary ingredient in human survival. Despite the fact that water belongs to the public, people living in the western United States may acquire water rights that are protected as property rights. Over time, the water system is increasingly strained and tough decisions have to be made on how best to serve demand both human and ecological.

Anyway, the point is that I really like what I do. I just returned from a short trip to DC for our national board meeting. It has been a few years since I've been back to the nation's capitol -- a place Ryan and I used to call home. I stayed with my good friend from law school, Bonnie, and her husband, Joe. Check it out:

Congress on a Seattle-Like Day

My Generous Hosts
Bonnie is taking advantage of the wind tunnel effect as we enter a Metro station.

My Other Host, Simon

Yet Another Host, Maddy

The Architecture of the American Indian Museum
I thought it was pretty cool - the profile of a face incorporated into the building design.

The Washington Monument

Thanks to Lynn, Bonnie, Joe, Simon, and Maddy for a great weekend. Apologies to other friends and family that I couldn't visit during my brief stay. Ryan and I want to return to DC together for a longer visit to see everyone we love!

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