Monday, September 10, 2007

Ryan In The Kitchen (Perhaps a New Show on the Food Network?)

Ok, let me start by recognizing that blogging about what we eat is probably not the most exciting update. However, after a month of traveling and socializing (all of which we loved doing), we were ready to lay low and relax during a perfect weekend in Seattle. In fact, we pushed off celebrating our 1-year anniversary to this weekend to take full advantage with limited distractions. We watched the US Open, soccer, and football on television, we enjoyed the perfect 70+ degree weather and blazing sunshine, and we ate.

Many of you may know that Ryan enjoys cooking and baking. Last Thanksgiving, he made homemade sourdough bread and all winter long he experimented and baked regularly. Ryan decided to put together a special anniversary picnic breakfast on Sunday morning. He started by making blueberry scones from scratch and finished with mouthwatering cheese blintzes with a strawberry/ raspberry/ blueberry compote. I was so impressed with Ryan's skills and his idea of taking the blintzes with us to Gas Works Park for a mid-morning meal. Despite the fact that blintzes are fried and filled with cheese, they kept remarkably well and made for a very special breakfast

A brief look at Gas Works Park:

The View From Our Picnic Spot

The Trees In Gas Works Park Also Showed Us The First Glimpses Of Fall

After our breakfast, we went to the Ballard Farmers Market to get some fresh corn-on-the-cob and squash for our dinner feast. In Seattle, going to a farmers market is as much a fashion statement as a way to buy the freshest produce, cheese, and other goods. Every time we go the market, I can't help but notice how everyone looks like a farmers market "type" -- let's call them "FMers". Don't get me wrong, I love farmers markets and supporting local agriculture and artisans. In fact, I long to be an FMer with sensible but fashionable shoes, a baby jogger (for our dog of course), a colorful hand knit scarf, and expert knowledge on how to pick the right produce or other item. When Ryan, Soma, and I go to the farmers market, we tend to be on a mission. Ryan does not like to lallygag around the market because the more time you spend at one of these things, the more money you spend. In the spirit of ying/yang, my approach is different. I like to soak up the market experience listening to music, browsing at each booth, and trying as many free samples as my stomach can hold. Regardless of approach, both Ryan and I love the FMer scene.

Our anniversary dinner was fabulous: fresh corn, potatoes roasted with dill and chives, and grilled veggies and mushrooms with arugula pesto. We love this time of year when good food is in abundance, the weather reaches a perfect balance of warmth and sunshine, and change is in the air. We talked about our hopes for the next year, which included a new job for me, a new house for us, travel to a warm place to surf, weekend trips to ski in the surrounding wilderness, and more time with friends and family. We can't help but wonder what our blog will say a year from now.

We finished our anniversary weekend by toasting the last year with glasses that Ryan's parents picked up at the Waterford Crystal factory in Ireland. Patty and John gave us the glasses when we announced our engagement and we used the glasses to toast the crowd and each other at the reception. We want to thank the Patricks for the glasses -- when we use them we think of you and it means a lot to us!

Stay posted for updates on our upcoming adventures. We plan on having an Oktoberfest party, carving pumpkins and getting ready for Halloween, and attending a really fun wedding (with a couple days of surfing, of course) in California.

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